Friday, April 5, 2013

How To Have Old Debt Removed


By John Anthony Goliath

Old Debt Removed was written specifically for the South African market.

From the desk of John Anthony Goliath Mitchells Plain – South Africa 01 February 2012

Are you struggling to pay off old debts?

Are you unemployed, or self-employed?

Are you being harassed by Debt Collecting Agencies?

Would you like to have some of your old debt removed?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then you need to read further.

For the last few years many people lost their jobs due to downscaling, retrenchment and companies closing down. So now you become unemployed, have some debts to pay, with no income. Maybe you have some sort of severance package and can then still pay of some debts. But when there is no more income, then the debts become a nightmare. On top of that you are being harassed by Debt Collecting Agencies.

So many times I have heard that when a person has problems with debt, you must contact your creditors to make arrangements. Then you contact them, tell them you can only afford to pay, let’s say for example, R75 per month. Then very conveniently you get told, “I’m sorry sir/ madam, but we can only accept a minimum payment of R200 per month”. That happened to me many, many times when I tried to do the right thing according to the law. So now what is the point of contacting a person’s creditors to make arrangements but then they dictate to you and me what the arrangement should be.

They do not know your situation, how much you are worrying about the debts, how much you would really like to pay off your debts, and when you sincerely approached them, they turn your payment offer down. Sometimes the creditors recommend you must go to a Debt Counsellor, but then the Debt Counsellor also charges you a fee to negotiate with the creditors which add more debt. Furthermore the payment plan that the Debt Counsellor recommends is impossible to meet without a steady income.

Well my friend I’ve got good news for you! You can have some of your old debt removed completely, and it’s according to the law!

I’ve written a report called, “Old Debt Removed”, that’s based on my own experiences with Unemployment, Debt Collecting Agencies and how I had some of my old debt removed completely and it’s completely legal. You need to get this report urgently if you answered Yes to any of the above 4 questions. Let me tell you briefly about some of my experiences with some Creditors and Debt Collecting Agencies like: Munnik Basson Da Gama Inc., Blake & Associates, Heyns Attorneys and R L Daly Inc. Here’s my story, please also bear in mind that I do realize there are a lot of people with much more problems than me and in worse situations than I am, but then again that’s life as we all know it. And while we all try to do the right thing and be law abiding citizens, bad things happen to good people.

I attended Heathfield High School, Western Cape. My first job was in a Shock Absorber Manufacturing Company, Gabriel Shockabsorbers, as Stock Controller. Later joined an Electronics company, RPJ Electronics as Warehouse Supervisor. I worked there for 6 months and the company went into liquidation. Few years later I went into the Buying field, joined an Audio Visual company in Cape Town, Avicom Pty Ltd, as Company Purchaser, local and international, this was a job that I really enjoyed, I enjoyed the interacting with international companies in USA, China, Korea, Turkey and Italy.

Then in 1994 our company hit a bad patch, turnover dropped, other companies were bringing in cheaper equipment, what we labelled as "Grey Imports" meaning not the professional high end quality of the range stuff like the Panasonic, BARCO Vision that we were dealing in. Our sales started to drop lower and lower, we were in a financial crisis. In 1997 our CEO committed suicide and the other 2 directors did not feel like struggling anymore. They decided to close the company down. A job that I really enjoyed was there no more. Since 1998 I could not get any work in the same field again, I struggled to find a job. In the end I took what I could get, casual work, short term contract work, no more permanent work. I decided to start my own business, in 2002 I bought my first computer and started to learn Internet Marketing. Everything was by trial and error. On top of that not having a full time income made it very difficult to grow my business. It was a constant battle to keep going, financially it was very difficult just to keep my Internet connection going.

It was also in 2002 that I got divorced, at least at that time my children were all grown up, 2 sons and a daughter, 2 had already reached adolescence stage and the one son was a teenager. It is my passion for Internet Marketing that keeps me going. In 2007 I got a job in a Steel Products Manufacturing company, Custom Made Steel Products, Salt River, as the Admin Manager, I thought this is it, this is my ticket to financial freedom, to be debt free by using some of my income to build my Internet Marketing business and settle all my debts. But lo and behold, I barely worked there for 6 months when the company burned down in December 2007. I was once again unemployed and the whole worry cycle started again, “how on earth am I going to pay my debts?” While applying to job ads I also worked on building my Internet Marketing business but it was very difficult without the necessary capital to cover operating costs first before I could even think of realizing a profit in the business.

I approached THE RED DOOR, and was told their financial help to entrepreneurs was on hold and they are busy with an audit on their books, it would take about 4 – 6 weeks before they will know the outcome. After about 7 weeks I went back to them and was told to get some documents before they could help me. Documents like Business Plan, Personal Balance Sheet, Tax Clearance Certificate, Company Registration No, Letter of Intent etc. By the time I got my business registered, Tax Clearance Certificate and all the other documents together and approached them again, they changed their rules and requirements again. I did not go back to them again and decided to concentrate on getting a job and build my business part time in any way that I could.

Some people are successful with The Red Door, others are not, but I still recommend The Red Door because many entrepreneurs from Mitchells Plain and the surrounding areas were helped by them. Also banks are not too keen to give start up capital to entrepreneurs but when an entrepreneur goes via The Red Door, they make the application for finance to the banks. FNB, has a program to help entrepreneurs but they require that the entrepreneur provide at least 2 years financial records. So that does not help a first time entrepreneur at all, because we all have to start somewhere, don’t we? It’s the same scenario when a student graduates and starts looking for a job. He or she gets told you need at least 2 years experience. At some point we all have to start somewhere.

The DTI has a programme called, BLACK BUSINESS SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME, (BBSDP). This programme is also geared towards companies with a turnover history, so I guess I just have to keep on looking at other ways and means ways to obtain the finance to grow my business.

I applied to many job adverts as a company buyer, stock controller, warehouse supervisor & stores administrator. I received a few enquiries back and the horrible fact that I came to realize was that when the person from the agency or HR department asked me some questions everything seems to be going fine. But the moment they ask my age, (because my age was not disclosed on my CV) and I tell them my age I hear the typical, “ok we will get back to you”, or “we’ll let you know”. Which is a very polite way of telling me, bye, bye and good luck you are too old. I got fed up of those types of calls and put my ID and Passport number on my CV so that there can be no more unnecessary enquiries about my age.

I fully understand most companies want the younger employees so that they can grow with the company, and the companies invest in the employees at times for further training within the company. That’s all good and well but then the employment agencies, HR departments should clearly state in their job ad requirements the age of the applicants that they want to attract. At least some times you see an ad in the Career Times that requires the applicants to live in a specific area. I mean I can write a lot of pages of why companies want to hire a certain type of employees after all the company pays money for recruiting new people and it’s not only for the advertising, but it’s the whole process of placing the ad, screening the calls, short listing the applicants, interviewing them and making the final selection.

I’m fully aware of the whole process, after all one of my qualifications is a Diploma in Human Resource Management. When a person is unemployed you go through so many different emotions like, “I am not worthy of employment, I don’t have enough skills, I cannot contribute anything meaningful to someone’s company, I am too old”. Well I’m not over the hill yet, not by a long shot! That’s the time when you have to take charge of your thoughts and cancel those negative thoughts by cancelling the “I Can’t” to “I Can”. Then if it’s not enough you are struggling to get a job, you are trying very hard to build your own business in order to earn an income but then you also have the Debt Collecting companies on your neck.

Companies like Munnik Basson Da Gama Inc., Blake & Associates, Heyns Attorneys and R L Daly Inc. It seems that unemployment tie in with the law at some point or other. Because of unemployment debts do not get paid and that’s when the Creditors start handing you over to debt collecting companies. Or at least so these companies claim when they start harassing people. I use the word, “harass” because that’s what happened in my case. All the time you hear when you become unemployed or when you are unable to pay your debts you have to notify your creditors. I sent an Affidavit regarding my unemployment to all my creditors and debt collecting attorneys. But you know what, it seems that these attorneys have a mindset that’s very different to a person with common sense.

Let me tell you about the attorneys R L DALY Inc., they are really some piece of work, they would send me a SMS on a particular day, telling me to contact them on their 0861 number which is as you know is a Share Call number. Now bear in mind I’ve already spent money faxing them and they are in Durban. Not only that it’s a national fax then the fax is on voicemail that the mailbox is full and cannot accept any more faxes. But even if the fax does not go through the costs still get added to your fax line bill. Now after all those costs the SMS comes through to contact them and make an arrangement to pay or face legal action.

Not only that, then they send a letter with the words, “you have repeatedly ignored our correspondence to make arrangement, legal action pending”. I have faxed them, informed them I am unemployed, but still they kept on, and on HARASSING me. Even though they are informed you are unemployed they still bombard you with SMS’es, letters and phone calls. They completely ignored my correspondence and threatened legal action if I did not pay up. They called to my cellphone and the number showed “Private”, I could not ignore the calls because other companies’ calls also showed up as “Private” as it could very well be someone with a job offer, or business offer.

Which brings me to the next point, my TV License was in arrears and I informed the SABC. Regardless of the fact that I notified them that I am unemployed and could not settle the arrears on my account at that moment, they still sent me letters of demand and charged me an interest penalty fee of R25 per month. I faxed them and asked them to waive the interest until I can settle the account, because R25 per month is lot of interest, no bank will give a person R25 per month interest on an amount of a TV licence, even if you add the arrears to it. Also this R25 per month puts me even further in arrears. The Operations Manager, FRANK AWUAH wrote back that TV Licences only costs R250 per year, less than 70 cents per day. But that was not the point of my fax was it? Typically of people in his position he completely ignored what I told and asked of him and he wrote back with an answer that I did not ask for.

I wrote to him again telling him exactly that. This time a FAEEDA GARD of Customer Service wrote back stating that payment of a TV Licence is not a SABC requirement but a legal requirement of the Broadcasting Act, No.4 of 1999, as amended, which governs the SABC’s activities. “The fact that one is unemployed or in financial difficulties is NOT a legally acceptable reason for exemption from paying one’s licence fees. In terms of the law, everyone who possesses a TV set is required to have a valid licence. This is a law of the land, and there are no exceptions”. At no point whatsoever did I asked to be exempted from the law, all I asked for was some leniency until I am in a position to settle the account. Also this is a law that everyone who owns a TV set knows because the salesman cannot sell you a TV without you having a valid licence.

So then the law comes into play of the life of an unemployed person whether we like it or not, it’s the law. South Africa has a very high unemployment rate and one of the ways to alleviate unemployment in this country is by encouraging self-employment. There should be more assistance and schemes to assist entrepreneurs to build their businesses so that they in turn can employ assistants in their small businesses. So then my dear friend and reader since it’s the law to pay our debts whether we are unemployed or not, then it’s also the law that we can utilize to get rid of some of our debts!

Do yourself a favour and order this report now and get some peace of mind that you now have less debt to worry about!

Order “Old Debt Removed” Now For A Special Introductory Price Of Only: R75


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All My Best Wishes

John A. Goliath

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